Theory of Sovereign Reflectivity

Explore the mathematics of consciousness and reality through interactive visualizations

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About the Theory

The Theory of Sovereign Reflectivity (TSR) proposes that our inner state influences the reality we experience. It blends narrative insight with academic rigor, exploring the connection between consciousness and the physical world.

Through mathematical models and formal frameworks, TSR examines how consciousness and physical reality might be two sides of the same coin - each reflecting and influencing the other.

"Reality reflects the consciousness of the observer." - Core principle of TSR

Interactive Visualizations

Explore the mathematical concepts of TSR through these interactive models:

Nonphysical Energy Equivalence

Enp = Mnp · Cnp2

Explore how nonphysical mass converts to nonphysical energy, mirroring Einstein's famous equation.


Vibrational Lensing

θnp = (k · Mnp)/Cnp2

See how concentrated consciousness can "bend" the flow of events, similar to how gravity bends light.


Resistance Contrast Filter

Y = (1-R)X + N(R)

Visualize how internal resistance affects the manifestation of intentions through a stochastic model.


Consciousness-Kinetic Energy

Eck = √(E · Enp)

Discover the optimal balance between physical and nonphysical energies for maximum effect.


Time Dilation in Consciousness

ΔT' = γnp · ΔT

Explore how internal resistance affects the subjective experience of time between intention and manifestation.


Length Contraction in Manifestation

L' = L / γf

See how focus and resonance contract the "distance" between intention and manifestation.



Full Theory Document

Read the complete Theory of Sovereign Reflectivity document with all mathematical concepts explained.

Read the Theory

Mathematical Appendix

Dive deeper into the mathematical foundations and formal proofs behind TSR.

Explore the Math

Practical Applications

Learn how to apply TSR principles in daily life through exercises and practices.

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